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The image shows a road leading to a river or stream that is currently experiencing flooding. The road is blocked off with a yellow and black striped barrier and a sign that reads "AREA CLOSED DUE TO FLOODING." The water level in the river is high, and the current appears strong, with debris visible in the water. The surrounding area is lush with green trees and vegetation, indicating a rural or natural setting. The sky above is partly cloudy.

North Carolina Volunteers Work Toward Cleaner Well Water

2 min read

When the ground floods during a storm, floodwaters wash bacteria and other contaminants into private wells. But thanks to citizen…

Article3 months ago
South America is shown with a box around the Amazon River.

Flood detection is a surprising capability of microsatellites mission

5 min read

The eight CYGNSS smallsats were built to study tropical cyclones. A new and unexpected capability has emerged: the ability to…

Article6 years ago

Before the flood arrives

5 min read

River floods are one of Earth's most common and devastating natural disasters. A NASA study analyzes how river-observing satellites can…

Article6 years ago