Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES)

News & Articles

NASA's Juno spacecraft captured this image with its JunoCam citizen science instrument from a mere 5,400 miles above Jupiter's cloudtops.

F.5 FINESST: SMD’s Graduate Student Research Clarifications and Corrections

1 min read

F.5 Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST) solicits proposals for graduate student-designed and performed research…


ROSES-24 A.62 FarmFlux Science Team Updates

1 min read

NASA previously announced ROSES-24 A.62 FarmFlux Science Team (ST) that solicits members of the FarmFlux science team and a separate…

Four NIRCam mercury-cadmium-telluride detectors mounted into a focal plan module.

Amendment 88: A.52 Advanced Component Technology Text and Due Dates Released

1 min read

The goals of A.52 Advanced Component Technology (ACT) are to research, develop, and demonstrate component- and subsystem-level technology development that:…

Un ingeniero manipula el analizador de polvo de Europa Clipper en la sala limpia del Laboratorio de F�sica Atmosf�rica y Espacial (LASP) de la Universidad de Colorado en Boulder.

Amendment 87: F.16 NASA Innovation Corps no longer accepting proposals via ROSES

2 min read

The NASA Innovation Corps (I-Corps) Pilot is intended to provide support for participation in the National Science Foundation (NSF) Innovation…

This image shows windows that give a glimpse into the inside of the USDA Biotechnology Lab. This includes two illuminated white squares stacked one over the other, which are plant growing chambers developed by NASA�s Biological and Physical Sciences Division at Kennedy Space Center. Tomato plants are growing inside the chambers.

Amendment 86: E.12 Physical Sciences Research Studies Final Text and Due Dates

2 min read

E.12 Physical Sciences Research Studies solicits proposals to investigate physical phenomena in the absence of gravity and fundamental laws that…

Colorful photo of a tardigrade organism

Amendment 85: E.9 Space Biology: Research Studies Final Text and Due Dates

2 min read

The research emphases of E.9 Space Biology: Research Studies falls under two broad categories: Precision Health and Space Crops. For…
