Supermassive Black Holes

News & Articles

How NASA’s Roman Space Telescope Will Illuminate Cosmic Dawn

6 min read

Today, enormous stretches of space are crystal clear, but that wasn’t always the case. During its infancy, the universe was…

Article2 months ago
Approaching an accreting black hole

New NASA Black Hole Visualization Takes Viewers Beyond the Brink

5 min read

Ever wonder what happens when you fall into a black hole? Now, thanks to a new, immersive visualization produced on…

Article4 months ago

NASA Collaborating on European-led Gravitational Wave Observatory in Space

4 min read

The first space-based observatory designed to detect gravitational waves has passed a major review and will proceed to the construction…

Article8 months ago

NASA Scientists Discover a Novel Galactic ‘Fossil’

5 min read

Researchers at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, have discovered X-ray activity that sheds light on the evolution…

Article8 months ago
Thumbnail for gamma-ray time-lapse

NASA’s Fermi Mission Creates 14-Year Time-Lapse of the Gamma-Ray Sky

4 min read

The cosmos comes alive in an all-sky time-lapse movie made from 14 years of data acquired by NASA’s Fermi Gamma-ray…

Article9 months ago
A gif showing cartoon black holes, one as a crying baby, the other as a king-sized weighlifter

Five Reasons You Wouldn’t Want to Live Near a Black Hole

6 min read

You may have seen a portrayal of planets around supermassive black holes in the movies. But what would the conditions…

Article5 years ago