Lenticular Galaxies

News & Articles

Lenticular galaxy NGC 4753 holds a bright-white core and surrounding, defined dust lanes around its nucleus that predominantly appear dark brown in color. A variety of faint stars fill the background of the image.

Hubble Views Cosmic Dust Lanes

2 min read

Featured in this new image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope is a nearly edge-on view of the lenticular galaxy…

Article4 months ago
Black background dotted with galaxies. A large, nearly edge-on galaxy fills the right side of the frame. Its dusty, orangish-brown silhouette extends from center-bottom to the upper-right while its bright-white, lens-shaped glow extends above and below its dust lane.

Hubble Records Rare Radio Galaxy

2 min read

Hubble is sharing a brand new galaxy image every day through October 7, 2023! Visit our website daily, or follow…

Article11 months ago
A large lenticular galaxy. It appears as faint, gray, concentric ovals that grow progressively brighter towards the bright core and fades away at the edge. Two threads of dark reddish-brown dust cross the galaxy’s disk, near its center. The background is black and mostly empty, with only a few point stars and small galaxies.

Hubble Spots a Dreamy Galaxy

2 min read

This dream-like image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope features the galaxy known as NGC 3156. It lies about 73…

Article12 months ago
A galaxy, large and occupying most of the view from the center. The whole galaxy is made of smooth, diffuse light. The galaxy is surrounded by a smoky gray halo. Many stars shine around the galaxy, on a black background.

Hubble Sees Galaxy in a Ghostly Haze

2 min read

The lenticular galaxy NGC 6684 bathes this image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope in a pale light. Captured with Hubble’s Advanced Camera…

Article1 year ago
Lower left: Bright-white sphere of stars that is more diffuse toward its edges. Band of brown streaks arcs from the sphere's lower left to upper right where a face-on barred spiral galaxy shines in the distance. Black background dotted with stars.

Hubble Views a Beautiful Luminous Galaxy

1 min read

The lenticular galaxy NGC 5283 is the subject of this NASA Hubble Space Telescope image. NGC 5283 contains an active…

Article1 year ago
Bright-white galaxy stretching across the center of the frame from left to right. The galaxy's core is brightest at image center. Filaments of reddish-brown gas and dust follow the arc of the galaxy's curve. All on a black background dotted with stars.

Hubble Observes an In-between Galaxy

1 min read

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope captured this image of the lenticular galaxy NGC 3489. Lenticular galaxies aren’t quite spiral galaxies or…

Article1 year ago