Eclipse Stories

A purple Moon with a bright white, wispy solar atmosphere billowing out around it. It fills the red and purple background.


A barn owl flying at night.

Eclipse Soundscapes AudioMoth Donations Will Study Nature at Night

3 min read

During the April 8, 2024 total solar eclipse, approximately 770 AudioMoth recording devices were used to capture sound data as part of the Eclipse Soundscapes Project — a multisensory participatory science (also known as “citizen science”) project that is studying…

Article3 weeks ago
A smiling 8-yo student holds a digital tablet that is displaying the Total Eclipse 2024 Data Story. On the tablet screen, a map shows a red dot at the location selected by the student. Underneath the map, a view of the Sun and Moon shows the Moon almost completely overlapping the Sun, with a sliver of the Sun still visible.

Solar Eclipse Data Story Helps the Public Visualize the April 2024 Total Eclipse

2 min read

The NASA Science Activation program’s Cosmic Data Stories team, led by Harvard University in Cambridge, MA, released a new Data Story for the April 8, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse. A Data Story is an interactive, digital showcase of new science…

Article1 month ago
An image with a bright light over planet Earth.

Celebrate Heliophysics Big Year: Free Monthly Webinars on the Sun Touches Everything

2 min read

Once a month (usually on the first Tuesday), the Heliophysics Education Community meets online to share knowledge and opportunities. During the Heliophysics Big Year (HBY) – a global celebration of the Sun’s influence on Earth and the entire solar system,…

Article1 month ago
An image with bright light originating from the North pole of the Sun.

Celebrate the Heliophysics Big Year with Free Heliophysics and Math Webinars from NASA HEAT

2 min read

The Heliophysics Big Year (HBY) is a global celebration of the Sun’s influence on Earth and the entire solar system. It began with the Annular Solar Eclipse on Oct. 14, 2023, continued through the Total Solar Eclipse on Apr. 8,…

Article2 months ago