Lunar Science Stories

On a stark, barren landscape of dark grey rocks and dust, a smiling person dressed in rain gear and warm layers holds a clipboard under her arm.

NASA’s Artemis II Crew Uses Iceland Terrain for Lunar Training

4 min read

At first glance, it seems like a scene from an excursion on the Moon’s surface…except the people are in hiking gear, not spacesuits.

Article3 days ago

NASA to Develop Lunar Time Standard for Exploration Initiatives 

3 min read

NASA will coordinate with U.S. government stakeholders, partners, and international standards organizations to establish a Coordinated Lunar Time (LTC) following a policy directive from the White House in April. The agency’s Space Communication and Navigation (SCaN) program is leading efforts…

Article4 days ago
In the foreground is a figure kneeling on a light grey surface, examining or holding something that is sifting through their gloved left hand. The person is wearing a spacesuit and a big, boxy backpack. A reflective visor that catches and reflects bright light, possibly from the Sun, draws the viewers eye. The background is black. In the distance, mechanical equipment or structures are visible, including a small and simple vehicle.

9 Phenomena NASA Astronauts Will Encounter at Moon’s South Pole

5 min read

Out-of-this-world phenomena NASA astronauts will experience at the Moon's south polar region.

Article5 days ago

Gateway Space Station in 3D

1 min read

Immerse yourself in the future of deep space science exploration and download a 3D model of Gateway. Click, drag, and explore the exterior of the lunar space station from multiple angles. International teams of astronauts will use Gateway, humanity’s first…

Article5 days ago

Celebrate International Observe the Moon Night at NASA Goddard

2 min read

The public is invited to celebrate International Observe the Moon Night on Saturday, Sept. 14, from 6 to 9 p.m. EDT at NASA Goddard’s Visitor Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. International Observe the Moon Night is a time to come together…

News Release

Artemis IV: Gateway Gadget Fuels Deep Space Dining

2 min read

Learn about the handy device NASA is developing to help astronauts rehydrate their meals aboard the Gateway Lunar Space Station during the ambitious Artemis IV mission.

Article2 weeks ago

NASA Awards Intuitive Machines Lunar South Pole Research Delivery

4 min read

A new set of NASA science experiments and technology demonstrations will arrive at the lunar South Pole in 2027 following the agency’s latest CLPS (Commercial Lunar Payload Services) initiative delivery award. Intuitive Machines of Houston will receive $116.9 million to…

News Release

Gateway: Energizing Exploration

2 min read

Discover the cutting-edge technology powering Gateway, humanity’s first lunar space station.

Article4 weeks ago
At twilight, a full moon rises over a broad river with vegetated banks. The Moon appears peach-colored in a dim pink-and-blue sky.

Super Blue Moons: Your Questions Answered

4 min read

The Moon of August 30-31, 2023, is a full moon, a supermoon, and a blue moon. Here's what it all means.

Article4 weeks ago
NASA’s VIPER robotic Moon rover is shown in a clean room at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston. Two of its wheels are visible in this image. It is shown on a white floor in front of a white wall next to the NASA "meatball" logo. On the the floor there is yellow-and-black tape surrounding the rover.

NASA Explores Industry, Partner Interest in Using VIPER Moon Rover

2 min read

As part of its commitment to a robust, sustainable lunar exploration program for the benefit of all, NASA issued a Request for Information Friday to seek interest from American companies and institutions in conducting a mission using the agency’s VIPER…

Article1 month ago