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Odyssey’s Accomplishments at Its 100,000th Orbit

NASA's 2001 Mars Odyssey orbiter arrived at Mars on Oct. 24, 2001.

Celebrating Spirit & Opportunity’s 20th Anniversary Landing on Mars

Using footage filmed at JPL when Spirit touched down on Jan. 3, 2004, as well an animation depicting the rover's…

Spirit & Opportunity 20th Anniversary Poster

On the 20th anniversary of the landing of Spirit and Opportunity, celebrate NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover Project with this two-sided poster…

Perseverance Rover Sees Solar Eclipse on Mars

NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover used its Mastcam-Z camera to shoot video of Phobos, one of Mars’ two moons, eclipsing the…

Twin Rover Twins

Engineering models of the Curiosity Mars rover (foreground) and the Perseverance Mars rover share space in the garage at JPL’s…

Rover Evolution Plate Artwork

This artwork is etched onto a metal plate attached to the deck of the Mars Perseverance rover.  The image depicts…

NASA’s Latest Mars Rover Has a Name

NASA has chosen a name for its next Mars rover: Perseverance. 

Spirit & Opportunity: Mission to Mars Trailer

A trailer series for Mission to Mars, Spirit and Opportunity.

Spirit and Opportunity in High Bay 1

High Bay 1 looks much as it does today in this photo of NASA's Spirit and Opportunity Mars rovers being…

From One Rover Generation to the Next

At an event celebrating the end of NASA’s Mars Exploration Rovers (MER) mission on Feb. 13, 2019, engineer Jennifer Trosper…

A Celebration of Science from Spirit and Opportunity

Steve Squyres, principal investigator for NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover mission, and Matt Golombek, the mission’s project scientist, discussed the ground-breaking…

Spirit and Opportunity Rover, 3D Model

Interact with this 3D model of a Mars Exploration Rover.

Celebrating a Mars Rover

With a model of NASA's Opportunity rover behind him, John Callas, project manager of the Spirit and Opportunity Mars rovers,…

Spirit And Opportunity By The Numbers

This infographic highlights NASA’s twin robot geologists, the Mars Exploration Rovers (MER) Spirit and Opportunity.  The rovers landed on the…

The Evolution of a Martian

This artist's illustration shows NASA's four successful Mars rovers (from left to right): Sojourner, Spirit and Opportunity, and Curiosity. The…