Euclid Stories
Snippet of Euclid Mission’s Cosmic Atlas Released by ESA
5 min read
With contributions from NASA, the mission will map a third of the sky in order to study a cosmic mystery called dark energy. ESA (the European Space Agency) has released a new, 208-gigapixel mosaic of images taken by Euclid, a…
Article3 months ago
New Images From Euclid Mission Reveal Wide View of the Dark Universe
6 min read
With NASA contributions, the mission will complement dark energy studies to be made by the agency’s upcoming Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope. The Euclid mission, led by ESA (the European Space Agency) with contributions from NASA, has released five new…
Article8 months ago
What is Dark Energy? Inside our accelerating, expanding Universe
11 min read
Some 13.8 billion years ago, the universe began with a rapid expansion we call the big bang. After this initial expansion, which lasted a fraction of a second, gravity started to slow the universe down. But the cosmos wouldn’t stay…
Article11 months ago