Entire image is filled with green, brown, rusty colors of the Carina Nebula. Chaotic groupings of this dust and gas with stars dispersed randomly throughout the image.
The immense Carina Nebula contains around a dozen stars roughly estimated to be at least 50 to 100 times the mass of our Sun. Radiation from the massive stars sculpt the gas around them. Find out more about the Carina Nebula in the ebook "A Quarter-Century of Discovery with the Hubble Space Telescope."
NASA, ESA, N. Smith (University of California, Berkeley), and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA); Credit for CTIO Image: N. Smith (University of California, Berkeley) and NOAO/AURA/NSF


Our universe contains a plethora of fascinating cosmic objects and spectacular stellar scenes. After Hubble’s launch in 1990, its groundbreaking scientific observations expanded our understanding of the universe – creating a clear “before and after” transformation in the field of astrophysics.

Hubble investigates faraway galaxies and peers into the distant universe to collect its iconic deep field observations. Plus, the observatory generates exciting findings right in our own cosmic neighborhood by studying planets in our solar system and objects like nebulae within our home galaxy, the Milky Way.

This visualization zooms into the Orion Nebula and then flies through a 3D model using both visible light (Hubble Space Telescope) and infrared light (Spitzer Space Telescope) views. Credit: NASA

For over thirty years and counting, Hubble has uncovered a universe brimming with discovery, beauty, and even more mysteries for us to solve. Below, explore Hubble’s scientific contributions that have revolutionized what we know about our expanding universe.

Hubble's Deep Fields

Look back in space and time through billions of years of galactic evolution.

Hubble observations have forever changed our understanding of the universe, but no single image has reshaped that understanding like the Hubble Deep Field.

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Field is filled with galaxies in colors of white, yellow, blue-white, and red; all on a black background.
This image shows a central portion of the Hubble Deep Field, created from exposures taken in 1995. The Hubble Deep Field covers a piece of sky about 1/13th the diameter of the full Moon.
Hubble Deep Field
Scroll through this gallery of Hubble Deep Field images using the arrows on the left and right side of the image. Click on the image to learn more about it.

Hubble's Galaxies

These collections of stars, planets, gas, dust, and dark matter are the visible foundation of the universe.

Our galaxy, the Milky Way, sits in a Local Group of more than 20 galaxies, but Hubble's vision takes us far beyond our celestial neighborhood.

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A spiral galaxy with a glowing yellow center. Its spiral arms are full of dark reddish-brown lanes of dust and faint purple stars.
M63, also known as the Sunflower Galaxy, is a type of galaxy called a flocculent spiral. Flocculent spiral galaxies appears to have many discontinuous spiral arms.
ESA/Hubble & NASA
Face-On Spiral IC 5332
Scroll through this gallery of Hubble galaxy images using the arrows on the left and right side of the image. Click on the image to learn more about it.

Hubble's Gravitational Lenses

Gravity boosts Hubble's view, allowing us to see faint, distant objects that would otherwise be hidden.

Hubble's observations of gravitational lenses help us better understand the evolution of galaxies and the universe itself.

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Black background is dotted with distant galaxies. Image center holds a cluster of galaxies, many of the appear to be large elliptical galaxies. Curved orange-yellow lines appear to cut through the galaxy cluster. These are more distant galaxies gravitationally lensed by the cluster.
This extraordinary Hubble image of the galaxy cluster Abell 2813 spectacularly demonstrates gravitational lensing. The tiny dots, spirals, and ovals are galaxies that belong to the cluster. Abell 2813's gravity is acting as a lens, distorting and magnifying light of galaxies beyond Abell 2813 into crescents and s-shaped curves.
ESA/Hubble & NASA, D. Coe
Galactic Monster
Scroll through this gallery of Hubble gravitational lens images using the arrows on the left and right side of the image. Click on the image to learn more about it.

Hubble's Nebulae

These ethereal veils of gas and dust tell the story of star birth and death.

Hubble's cosmic menagerie of nebulae observations holds a wide variety of awe-inspiring forms, each one revealing part of a grand story of how stars evolve.

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Faint, wispy clouds glow from the light of a central, pale star. A hole in the clouds, roughly in the shape of a keyhole, shows black space.
This cosmic keyhole, called NGC 1999, is a reflection nebula residing some 1,350 light-years from Earth near the Orion Nebula. Reflection nebulae shine by the light from an embedded source. In the case of NGC 1999, this source is the newborn star V380 Orionis, which is visible near the center of the image.
NASA and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI)
Hubble Celebrates 34th Anniversary with a Look at the Little Dumbbell Nebula
Scroll through this gallery of Hubble nebulae images using the arrows on the left and right side of the image. Click on the image to learn more about it.

Hubble's Star Clusters

Hubble's observations of star clusters help us better understand how stars form and evolve.

Forming in giant clouds of gas and dust, stars are often found in multiples or large clusters that hold as few as tens to as many as millions of stars.

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Bright, reddish-gold spherical swarm of stars fills the center of the image. Even brighter blue-white foreground stars dot the entire scene.
Thousands upon thousands of stars illuminate this breathtaking image of star cluster Liller 1, imaged with Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3. This stellar system, located 30,000 light-years from Earth, formed stars over 11 billion years.
ESA/Hubble & NASA, F. Ferraro
Globular Cluster NGC 1850, Take Two
Scroll through this gallery of Hubble star cluster images using the arrows on the left and right side of the image. Click on the image to learn more about it.

Black Holes

Hubble’s unparalleled vision is bringing this dark cosmic phenomenon into the light.

Black holes are dark realms where even our understanding of physics breaks down, but Hubble's vision blazes a way toward greater comprehension of these cosmic monsters.

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Spectacular jets powered by the gravitational energy of a super massive black hole in the core of the elliptical galaxy Hercules A.
Spectacular jets powered by the gravitational energy of a supermassive black hole in the core of the elliptical galaxy Hercules A illustrate the combined imaging power of two of astronomy's cutting-edge tools, the Hubble Space Telescope's Wide Field Camera 3, and the recently upgraded Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) radio telescope in New Mexico.
NASA, ESA, S. Baum and C. O'Dea (RIT), R. Perley and W. Cotton (NRAO/AUI/NSF), and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)