Wind Stories

An animation shows a white cloud of material billowing away from the Sun (which is covered by a black disk at the center) toward the left side of the image, set against a red background with a couple dozen stars. The top says "STEREO Ahead COR2" and the bottom shows the date 2021-04-17 with the time progressing from 12:23:30 to 23:53:30.

Multiple Spacecraft Tell the Story of One Giant Solar Storm

5 min read

April 17, 2021, was a day like any other day on the Sun, until a brilliant flash erupted and an enormous cloud of solar material billowed away from our star. Such outbursts from the Sun are not unusual, but this…

Article7 months ago

NASA’s Swift, Fermi Missions Detect Exceptional Cosmic Blast

3 min read

Astronomers around the world are captivated by an unusually bright and long-lasting pulse of high-energy radiation that swept over Earth Sunday, Oct. 9. The emission came from a gamma-ray burst (GRB) – the most powerful class of explosions in the…

Article2 years ago

In First, Scientists Trace Fastest Solar Particles to Their Roots on the Sun

7 min read

Zipping through space at close to the speed of light, Solar Energetic Particles, or SEPs, are one of the main challenges for the future of human spaceflight. Clouds of these tiny solar projectiles can make it to Earth – a…

Article4 years ago

NASA Missions Unmask Magnetar Eruptions in Nearby Galaxies

10 min read

On April 15, 2020, a brief burst of high-energy light swept through the solar system, triggering instruments on several NASA and European spacecraft. Now, multiple international science teams conclude that the blast came from a supermagnetized stellar remnant known as…

Article4 years ago

NASA Missions Help Pinpoint the Source of a Unique X-ray, Radio Burst

5 min read

On April 28, a supermagnetized stellar remnant known as a magnetar blasted out a simultaneous mix of X-ray and radio signals never observed before. The flare-up included the first fast radio burst (FRB) ever seen from within our Milky Way…

Article4 years ago

Spots, Waves and Wind: A Solar Science Timeline | Full Text

17 min read

View an interactive version of this timeline. Humankind has studied the Sun for millennia. Ancient Babylonians recorded eclipses on stone tablets. Renaissance scientists peered through telescopes, tracking sunspots. Eventually we took to space, and the first satellites captured solar particles streaming past Earth.…

Article5 years ago

25 Years of Science in the Solar Wind

7 min read

In the early 1980s, heliophysicists needed answers. They wanted to learn how to protect astronauts and assets around Earth from the potentially damaging space weather that results from our tumultuous Sun. To do that, they needed to better understand the…

Article5 years ago

A Solar Wind Workhorse Marks 20 Years of Science Discoveries

7 min read

The end of 2014 marks two decades of data from a NASA mission called Wind. Wind — along with 17 other missions – is part of what’s called the Heliophysics Systems Observatory, a fleet of spacecraft dedicated to understanding how…

Article10 years ago

Out of An Hours-long Explosion, A Stand-In For The First Stars

6 min read

Astronomers analyzing a long-lasting blast of high-energy light observed in 2013 report finding features strikingly similar to those expected from an explosion from the universe’s earliest stars. If this interpretation is correct, the outburst validates ideas about a recently identified…

Article10 years ago