Lunar Science Stories

Artemis IV: Gateway Gadget Fuels Deep Space Dining

2 min read

Learn about the handy device NASA is developing to help astronauts rehydrate their meals aboard the Gateway Lunar Space Station during the ambitious Artemis IV mission.

Article3 days ago

NASA Awards Intuitive Machines Lunar South Pole Research Delivery

4 min read

A new set of NASA science experiments and technology demonstrations will arrive at the lunar South Pole in 2027 following the agency’s latest CLPS (Commercial Lunar Payload Services) initiative delivery award. Intuitive Machines of Houston will receive $116.9 million to…

News Release

Gateway: Energizing Exploration

2 min read

Discover the cutting-edge technology powering Gateway, humanity’s first lunar space station.

Article2 weeks ago
At twilight, a full moon rises over a broad river with vegetated banks. The Moon appears peach-colored in a dim pink-and-blue sky.

Super Blue Moons: Your Questions Answered

4 min read

The Moon of August 30-31, 2023, is a full moon, a supermoon, and a blue moon. Here's what it all means.

Article3 weeks ago
NASA’s VIPER robotic Moon rover is shown in a clean room at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston. Two of its wheels are visible in this image. It is shown on a white floor in front of a white wall next to the NASA "meatball" logo. On the the floor there is yellow-and-black tape surrounding the rover.

NASA Explores Industry, Partner Interest in Using VIPER Moon Rover

2 min read

As part of its commitment to a robust, sustainable lunar exploration program for the benefit of all, NASA issued a Request for Information Friday to seek interest from American companies and institutions in conducting a mission using the agency’s VIPER…

Article4 weeks ago

NASA Invites Media, Public to Attend Deep Space Food Challenge Finale

4 min read

NASA invites the media and public to explore the nexus of space and food innovation at the agency’s Deep Space Food Challenge symposium and winners’ announcement at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center in Columbus, Ohio, on Friday,…

News Release
In the foreground is a textured expanse of grey, with the center bleached out by light. The background is black. A yellow box sits slightly right of center, tipped slightly to the left.

NASA, JAXA Bounce Laser Beam Between Moon’s Surface and Lunar Orbit

4 min read

NASA’s LRO (Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter) has twice transmitted a laser pulse to a cookie-sized retroreflector aboard JAXA’s (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) SLIM lander on the Moon and received a return signal. As LRO passed 44 miles above SLIM (Smart Lander…

Article1 month ago

Earth to Gateway: Electric Field Tests Enhance Lunar Communication

2 min read

Learn how engineers at NASA’s Johnson Space Center are using electric field testing to optimize communications for the Gateway space station that will support Artemis exploration of the Moon.

Article1 month ago

NASA-Funded Studies Explain How Climate Is Changing Earth’s Rotation

6 min read

Researchers used more than 120 years of data to decipher how melting ice, dwindling groundwater, and rising seas are nudging the planet’s spin axis and lengthening days. Days on Earth are growing slightly longer, and that change is accelerating. The…

Article2 months ago
Two rows of five squares, each showing a round depression in the center of a gray background. The depressions vary in sizes, and the backgrounds vary in shades of gray.

New Evidence Adds to Findings Hinting at Network of Caves on Moon

3 min read

An international team of scientists using data from NASA’s LRO (Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter) has discovered evidence of caves beneath the Moon’s surface.

Article2 months ago