John Gagosian
Joint Agency Satellite Division Director
John Gagosian serves as Director of the Joint Agency Satellite Division (JASD), which is responsible for the development of space systems to support the operational weather observation requirements of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
Previously, he served as Deputy Director of JASD starting in 2019. Prior to joining JASD, Mr. Gagosian represented the Science Mission Directorate’s Astrophysics Division as Program Executive for the Exoplanet Exploration Program and the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope. In this role he assessed program/project performance and risks, made strategic and budgetary recommendations, and served as the Division Director’s primary interface with program/project management. Mr. Gagosian also previously served as Program Executive for the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA), the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), and the Cosmic Origins (COR) Program. He chaired the Large Mission Study (2020), an internal NASA study intended to improve SMD’s cost and schedule performance on large strategic missions.
Prior to coming to NASA Headquarters in 2010, Mr. Gagosian served as Associate Chief of the Mission Engineering and Systems Analysis (MESA) Division at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. In this role, he helped to manage an organization with seven branches and more than 200 civil servants engaged in a wide variety of disciplines including mission systems engineering, navigation, mission design, attitude control systems, and propulsion systems. During his 19 years at Goddard, Mr. Gagosian also served as Head of the Guidance, Navigation, and Control (GN&C) Systems Engineering Branch; Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) GN&C Systems Engineer; Triana Gyroscopic Upper Stage Nutation Control System (NCS) Lead Engineer; Mission Integration Manager for the second generation of Tracking and Data Relay Satellites (TDRS); and Propulsion Engineer on the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM).
Mr. Gagosian received a Bachelor’s Degree in Aerospace Engineering from Princeton University.