Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) Announcement:
The E.12 program element solicits proposals to investigate physical phenomena in the absence of gravity and fundamental laws that describe the universe, and applied research, which contribute to the basic understanding of processes underlying space exploration technologies.
The program is divided into two key goals: Foundations and Quantum Leaps. Foundations focuses on understanding the behavior of fluids, combustion, soft matter, and materials in the spaceflight environment. Quantum Leaps aims to probe the very nature of the universe using exquisitely precise space-based quantum sensors to test the Einstein equivalence principle, dark sector physics, and the nature of fundamental physical constants.
This opportunity will include four different Project Types: Research Investigations, New NASA Investigators, Physical Sciences Informatics, and Fundamental Physics Investigations.
The Physical Sciences Informatics (PSI) project type seeks proposals that find new ways to analyze the existing data in the PSI system. This may include cross-referencing with other physical sciences database to find new insights or by employing artificial intelligence or machine learning techniques. Awards for PSI proposals will be $200,000 over 2 years.
E.12 Program Element release: December 19, 2025
BPS Pre-proposer’s townhall: January 22, 2025
Step-1 proposal due date: February 4, 2025
Step-2 proposal due date: May 6, 2025
For more information about the solicitation, please contact Brad Carpenter, Biological and Physical Sciences Division at
The following is the list of investigations eligible for PSI proposals in the E.12 program element:
# | Research Area | Investigation | Carrier / Sponsor |
1 | Biophysics | LMM Biophysics-1 (The Effect of Macromolecular Transport on Microgravity Protein Crystallization) | ISS |
2 | Biophysics | LMM Biophysics-2 (Solution Convection and the Nucleation Precursors in Protein Crystallization) | ISS |
3 | Biophysics | LMM Biophysics-3 (Growth Rate Dispersion as a Predictive Indicator for Biological Crystal Samples Where Quality Can be Improved with Microgravity Growth) | ISS |
4 | Biophysics | Perfect Crystal (Growth of Large, Perfect Protein Crystals for Neutron Crystallography) | ISS |
5 | Biophysics | Space Biofilms (Characterization of Biofilm Formation, Growth, and Gene Expression on Different Materials and Environmental Conditions in Microgravity) | ISS |
6 | Biophysics | RSD-AFF/AFF-R (Ring Shear Drop – Amyloid Fibril Formation and Reflight) | ISS |
7 | Combustion Science | ACME BRE (Advanced Combustion via Microgravity Experiments Burning Rate Emulator) | ISS |
8 | Combustion Science | ACME CLD Flame (Advanced Combustion via Microgravity Experiments Coflow Laminar Diffusion Flame) | ISS |
9 | Combustion Science | ACME E-Field Flames (Advanced Combustion via Microgravity Experiments Electric Field Flames) | ISS |
10 | Combustion Science | ACME s-Flames (Advanced Combustion via Microgravity Experiments Structure and Response of Spherical Diffusion Flames) | ISS |
11 | Combustion Science | BASS (Burning and Suppression of Solids) | ISS |
12 | Combustion Science | BASS-II (Burning and Suppression of Solids - II) | ISS |
13 | Combustion Science | CFI (Cool Flames Investigation) | ISS |
14 | Combustion Science | DAFT/DAFT-2 (Dust and Aerosol Measurement Feasibility Test 1 and 2) | ISS |
15 | Combustion Science | FLEX (Flame Extinguishment Experiment) | ISS |
16 | Combustion Science | FLEX-2 (Flame Extinguishment Experiment - 2) | ISS |
17 | Combustion Science | Quantitative Studies of Cool Flame Transitions at Radiation/Stretch Extinction Using Counterflow Flames | Ground |
18 | Combustion Science | SAFFIRE I (Spacecraft Fire Experiment I) | CRS OA-6 |
19 | Combustion Science | SAFFIRE II (Spacecraft Fire Experiment II) | CRS OA-5 |
20 | Combustion Science | SAFFIRE III (Spacecraft Fire Experiment III) | CRS OA-7 |
21 | Combustion Science | SAME (Smoke Aerosol Measurement Experiment) | ISS |
22 | Combustion Science | SAME-R (Smoke Aerosol Measurement Experiment - Reflight) | ISS |
23 | Combustion Science | SLICE (Structure and Liftoff in Combustion Experiment) | ISS |
24 | Combustion Science | SPICE (Smoke Point in Coflow Experiment) | ISS |
25 | Combustion Science | Utilization of the Smoke Aerosol Measurement Experiment Data for Advanced Modeling and Simulation of Smoke Generation in Micro-Gravity | Ground |
26 | Fluid Physics | ASETS II (Advanced Structurally Embedded Thermal Spreader II) | X-37B/ AFRL |
27 | Fluid Physics | CCF-CV-EU1 (Capillary Channel Flow – Critical Velocities - Experiment Unit 1) | ISS |
28 | Fluid Physics | CCF-CV-EU2 (Capillary Channel Flow – Critical Velocities - Experiment Unit 2) | ISS/DLR |
29 | Fluid Physics | CCF-PS-EU2 (Capillary Channel Flow – Phase Separation - Experiment Unit 2) | ISS/DLR |
30 | Fluid Physics | CFE (Capillary Flow Experiment) | ISS |
31 | Fluid Physics | CFE-2 (Capillary Flow Experiment – 2) | ISS |
32 | Fluid Physics | CVB (Constrained Vapor Bubble) | ISS |
33 | Fluid Physics | CVB-2 (Constrained Vapor Bubble – 2) | ISS |
34 | Fluid Physics | DECLIC-ALI (Device for the Study of Critical Liquids and Crystallization - Alice Like Insert) | ISS |
35 | Fluid Physics | Development and Verification of a 3D Nucleate Pool Boiling Simulation Model Using PSI Data | Ground |
36 | Fluid Physics | GRADFLEX (Gradient Driven Fluctuation Experiment) | Free Flyer |
37 | Fluid Physics | EHD (ElectroHydroDynamics) | Aircraft |
38 | Fluid Physics | FBCE-FBM (Flow Boiling Condensation Experiment - Flow Boiling Module) | ISS |
39 | Fluid Physics | IVGEN (IntraVenous Fluid GENeration for Exploration Missions) | ISS |
40 | Fluid Physics | MABE (Microheater Array Heater Boiling Experiment) | ISS |
41 | Fluid Physics | NPBX (Nucleate Pool Boiling Experiment) | ISS |
42 | Fluid Physics | PBE (Pool Boiling Experiment) | STS-47, STS-57, STS-60, STS-72, STS-77 |
43 | Fluid Physics | PBRE (Packed Bed Reactor Experiment) | ISS |
44 | Fluid Physics | PBRE-2 (Packed Bed Reactor Experiment – 2) | ISS |
45 | Fluid Physics | PBRE-WR (Packed Bed Reactor Experiment – Water Recovery) | ISS |
46 | Fluid Physics | STDCE-1 (Surface Tension Driven Convection Experiment) - First United States Microgravity Payload on Columbia (USML-1) | STS-52 |
47 | Fluid Physics | STDCE-2 (Surface Tension Driven Convection Experiment) - Second United States Microgravity Payload on Columbia (USML-2) | STS-73 |
48 | Fundamental Physics | CAL (Cold Atom Laboratory) - Bose - Einstein Condensate Bubble Dynamics | ISS |
49 | Fundamental Physics | CAL (Cold Atom Laboratory) - Consortium for Ultracold Atoms in Space | ISS |
50 | Fundamental Physics | CAL (Cold Atom Laboratory) - Development of Atom Interferometry Experiments for the ISS | ISS |
51 | Fundamental Physics | CAL (Cold Atom Laboratory) - Fundamental Interactions for Atom Interferometry with Ultracold Quantum Gases in a Microgravity Environment | ISS |
52 | Fundamental Physics | CAL (Cold Atom Laboratory) – Zero-G Studies of Few Body and Many-Body Physics | ISS |
53 | Materials Science | CSLM (Coarsening in Solid-Liquid Mixtures) | STS-83, STS-94 |
54 | Materials Science | CSLM-2 (Coarsening in Solid-Liquid Mixtures - 2) | ISS |
55 | Materials Science | CSLM-2R (Coarsening in Solid-Liquid Mixtures - 2 Reflight) | ISS |
56 | Materials Science | CSLM-3 (Coarsening in Solid-Liquid Mixtures - 3) | ISS |
57 | Materials Science | CSLM-4 (Coarsening in Solid-Liquid Mixtures - 4) | ISS |
58 | Materials Science | DECLIC-DSI (Device for the Study of Critical Liquids and Crystallization - Directional Solidification Insert) | ISS |
59 | Materials Science | DECLIC-DSI-R SPADES (Device for the Study of Critical Liquids and Crystallization - Directional Solidification Insert – Reflight – Spatiotemporal Evolution of three-dimensional Dendritic array Structures | ISS |
60 | Materials Science | ELF - Round Robin (Electrostatic Levitation Furnace: Round Robin - Thermophysical Property Measurement) | ISS |
61 | Materials Science | EML - ELFSTONE (Electromagnetic Levitation: Electromagnetic Levitation Flight Support for Transient Observation of Nucleation Events) | ISS/ESA |
62 | Materials Science | EML - QUASI (Electromagnetic Levitation: Quasi-crystalline Undercooled Alloys for Space Investigation | ISS/ESA |
63 | Materials Science | Enhancement and Verification of Quantitative Phase-Field Crystal Modeling using NASA-PSI Coarsening in Solid-Liquid Mixtures Experiments Data | Ground |
64 | Materials Science | IDGE-STS-62 (Isothermal Dendritic Growth Experiment) - Second United States Microgravity Payload on Columbia (USMP-2) | STS-62 |
65 | Materials Science | IDGE-STS-75 (Isothermal Dendritic Growth Experiment) - Third United States Microgravity Payload on Columbia (USMP-3) | STS-75 |
66 | Materials Science | IDGE-STS-87 (Isothermal Dendritic Growth Experiment) - Fourth United States Microgravity Payload on Columbia (USMP-4) | STS-87 |
67 | Materials Science | ISSI (In-Space Soldering Investigation) | ISS |
68 | Materials Science | MICAST/CSS (Microstructure Formation in Casting of Technical Alloys under Diffusive and Magnetically Controlled Convective Conditions/Comparison of Structure and Segregation in Alloys Directionally Solidified in Terrestrial and Microgravity Environments) | ISS |
69 | Materials Science | MICS (Microgravity Investigation of Cement Solidification) | ISS |
70 | Materials Science | MICS-MVP (Microgravity Investigation of Cement Solidification - Multi-use Variable-gravity Platform) | ISS |
71 | Materials Science | MSRR-GEDS (Materials Science Research Rack - Gravitation Effects on Distortion in Sintering) | ISS |
72 | Materials Science | PFMI (Pore Formation and Mobility Investigation) | ISS |
73 | Materials Science | Pore-Mushy Zone Interaction During Directional Solidification of Alloys: Three Dimensional Simulation and Comparison with Experiments | Ground |
74 | Materials Science | Strata-1 | ISS |
75 | Materials Science | SUBSA (Solidification Using a Baffle in Sealed Ampoules) | ISS |
76 | Materials Science | SUBSA - BRAINS (Solidification Using a Baffle in Sealed Ampoules - Brazing of Aluminum Alloy in Space) | ISS |
77 | Materials Science | SUBSA - CETSOL (Solidification Using a Baffle in Sealed Ampoules - Columnar-to-Equiaxed Transition in Solidification) | ISS |
78 | Materials Science | TEMPUS (Tiegelfreies Elektromagnetisches Prozessieren Unter Schwerelosigkeit; Electromagnetic Containerless Processing in Microgravity) | STS-65, STS-83, STS-94 |
79 | Soft Matter/ Complex Fluids | ACE-M1 (Advanced Colloids Experiment - Microscopy 1) | ISS |
80 | Soft Matter/ Complex Fluids | ACE-M2 (Advanced Colloids Experiment - Microscopy 2) | ISS |
81 | Soft Matter/ Complex Fluids | ACE-M2R (Advanced Colloids Experiment - Microscopy 2 Reflight) | ISS |
82 | Soft Matter/ Complex Fluids | ACE-T1 (Advanced Colloids Experiment - T1) | ISS |
83 | Soft Matter/ Complex Fluids | ACE-T6 (Advanced Colloids Experiment - T6) | ISS/ ISSNL |
84 | Soft Matter/ Complex Fluids | ACE-T7 (Advanced Colloids Experiment - T7) | ISS |
85 | Soft Matter/ Complex Fluids | ACE-T11 (Advanced Colloids Experiment - T11) | ISS |
86 | Soft Matter/ Complex Fluids | ACE-TR (Advanced Colloids Experiment - TR) | ISS/ ISSNL |
87 | Soft Matter/ Complex Fluids | BCAT-3 (Binary Colloidal Alloy Test - 3) | ISS |
88 | Soft Matter/ Complex Fluids | BCAT-4 (Binary Colloidal Alloy Test - 4) | ISS |
89 | Soft Matter/ Complex Fluids | BCAT-5 (Binary Colloidal Alloy Test - 5) | ISS |
90 | Soft Matter/ Complex Fluids | BCAT-6 (Binary Colloidal Alloy Test - 6) | ISS |
91 | Soft Matter/ Complex Fluids | FOAM (Foam Optics and Mechanics) | ISS/ESA |
92 | Soft Matter/ Complex Fluids | InSPACE (Investigating the Structure of Paramagnetic Aggregates from Colloidal Emulsions) | ISS |
93 | Soft Matter/ Complex Fluids | InSPACE-2 (Investigating the Structure of Paramagnetic Aggregates from Colloidal Emulsions - 2) | ISS |
94 | Soft Matter/ Complex Fluids | InSPACE-3 /InSPACE-3+ (Investigating the Structure of Paramagnetic Aggregates from Colloidal Emulsions – 3 and 3+) | ISS |
95 | Soft Matter/ Complex Fluids | OASIS (Observation and Analysis of Smectic Islands in Space) | ISS |
96 | Soft Matter/ Complex Fluids | PASTA (Particle Stabilised Emulsions and Foams) | ISS/ESA |
97 | Soft Matter/ Complex Fluids | PCS (Physics of Colloids in Space) | ISS |
98 | Soft Matter/ Complex Fluids | PHaSE (Physics of Hard Spheres Experiment) | STS-94 |
99 | Soft Matter/ Complex Fluids | PKE-Nefedov & PK-3+ (Plasma Kristall Experiment; Dusty Plasma) | ISS |
100 | Soft Matter/ Complex Fluids | PK-4 (Plasma Kristall Experiment) | ISS/ESA |
101 | Soft Matter/ Complex Fluids | SHERE (Shear History Extensional Rheology Experiment) | ISS |
102 | Soft Matter/ Complex Fluids | SHERE II (Shear History Extensional Rheology Experiment II) | ISS |
103 | Soft Matter/ Complex Fluids | SHERE-R (Shear History Extensional Rheology Experiment - Reflight) | ISS |