MOSAICS – formerly known as the SMD Bridge Program – Latest Updates

MOSAICS end of summer updates!

September 3, 2024

The summer months have been a busy yet exciting time for the MOSAICS program. Please see the below information for updates.

1. ROSES-2023 Seed Funding Awards

The final projects have been selected for awards through ROSES-2023 Appendix F.23, MOSAICS Seed Funding, and we’re excited to welcome 20 new teams into the MOSAICS-formerly known as the SMD Bridge Program- tapestry. This third cohort brings the total number of projects funded to 44 teams at 36 academic institutions in 21 U.S. states and territories, including Washington, DC and Puerto Rico, in collaboration with seven NASA centers. To learn more about the newly selected projects, check out the NASA press feature NASA Funds Research Projects Advancing STEM Career Development, released on August 14th. Good luck to everyone selected for seed funding, and we look forward to watching your collaborations grow!

2. Apply now for ROSES-2024 Seed Funding!

A new opportunity to apply for seed funding through ROSES-2024 Appendix F.20 is now open until March 28, 2025. We encourage proposers to submit by September 30, 2024 to be included in our first review of proposals.

3. Slides from our August 12 Town Hall Available

On August 12th, 2024, the MOSAICS team hosted a town hall where the MOSAICS team updated the community on the status of the program, including sharing an overview of the inaugural teams selected for seed funding in ROSES-2023, and plans for ROSES-2024 and 2025. Please click here to access the slides from the town hall.

MOSAICS Town Hall Webinar Monday, August 12 at 2:00pm Eastern Time 

July 24, 2024

Registration for a Town Hall for MOSAICS (Mentoring and Opportunities in STEM with Academic Institutions for Community Success)– formerly known as the SMD Bridge Program, is now open. The Town Hall will be held on August 12, 2024, starting at 2:00PM Eastern time, via Webex. Registration is required, so please use the registration link:

During the Town Hall, the MOSAICS team will update the community on the status of the program, including sharing an overview of the inaugural teams selected for seed funding in ROSES-2023, and plans for ROSES-2024 and 2025. The MOSAICS team will discuss the call for MOSAICS Seed Funding (MSF) proposals, F.20 in ROSES-2024, currently accepting proposals. This “no fixed due date” ROSES element funds faculty and their students at emerging research institutions who seek to create new connections or strengthen their existing collaborations with NASA science and engineering researchers. We are also looking for reviewers to serve on our review panels. Interested reviewers can sign up here. The Town Hall is also an opportunity for the community to provide feedback and ask questions. The second half of the Town Hall will be devoted to a Meet and Greet for current program participants and is closed to the public. 

The team will use NASA’s Social Q&A IO tool to capture questions before and during the town hall. To anonymously ask or upvote questions go to!/dashboard. All entries are anonymous. Participants can up-vote questions by clicking/tapping the arrow next to the question. 

We expect to hold office hours from 1-3 pm Eastern Time on Tuesday September 24 and Friday September 27, 2024, as well as Thursday March 20 and Wednesday March 26, 2025, to support proposers. More information about these events, including links to attend, will be posted under “Other Documents” on the NSPIRES page for this program element, and made available on the SMD Bridge Website at once they are scheduled.  

Questions and requests for reasonable accommodations for the Town Hall/Meet and Greet can be sent to    

We’ve changed our name to MOSAICS! A new name to more accurately capture the broad goals of our program

June 7, 2024

Since its initiation, one of the core tenets has been to co-create this program with the community of potential collaborators. Our community workshop held in October 2022 uncovered powerful themes at a variety of under-resourced institutions (URI) and suggested ways that the program could support faculty, students and increasing research capacity at URIs. The central importance of strong, positive mentorship as a key component of retaining students and early career professionals in STEM was also emphasized.  We received feedback from the community that the term “Bridge” does not fully capture the goals and scope of our program. For example:

  • most existing Bridge programs accept applications from individual students, while our program requires proposals led by faculty members, with a NASA collaborator
  • the goal of most Bridge programs is to foster persistence, career development, academic advancement and skills-building in students. Our program goals include these but are broader, and center increasing long-term collaborations between NASA and under-resourced institutions, including both their faculty and their students

Some members of our workshop organizing committee undertook an investigation and recommended our program not use the word “Bridge” but to select a name that will “…more accurately reflect the full range of access points the program will offer.”

After many iterations of possible choices, we’re excited to unveil our new name: MOSAICS! Mentoring Opportunities in STEM with Academic Institutions for Community Success.

What’s in a name (or acronym):

MOSAICS are created from many smaller elements, resulting in works that are greater than the sum of their parts

Every letter in our name captures one of our main goals.

  • Leads with Mentoring
  • Offers and Expands Funded Research Opportunities
  • Covers SMD-relevant STEM topics
  • Academic Institutions are key collaborators 
  • Defines Community Success via the shared goals of URI faculty, students and NASA collaborators

What to expect:

Future calls for proposals will first be introduced in ROSES-2024 with the phrase “MOSAICS —formerly known as the SMD Bridge Program”, to avoid confusion and to take advantage of the “brand identity” that “the SMD Bridge Program” currently enjoys. Calls for proposals appearing in ROSES-2025 and later will refer to the program simply as MOSAICS.

MOSAICS has a vibrant future ahead:

We’ll select our final teams as part of the inaugural cohort from ROSES-2023 Seed Funding call later this summer. Additional seed funding teams will be selected throughout calendar years 2024 and 2025 through a ROSES-2024 call (F.20 MOSAICS Seed Funding). See the NSPIRES page for F.20 for more information on how to propose. A draft call for proposals for MOSAICS Five-Year Collaboration Awards will be publicly released in Summer of 2024 and remain open for public comment through Fall 2024. We want your feedback before we release the first call for MOSAICS Five-Year Collaboration Awards in February 2025 as part of ROSES-2025. The deadlines for ROSES-2024 F.20 MOSAICS Seed Funding proposals are September 30, 2024 and March 28, 2025. Between now and then we’ll schedule office hours and other ways to engage in person or virtually. We welcome your feedback and questions. Please reach out to

Bridge Program Seed Funding Selections Announced

May 15, 2024

We’re excited to welcome aboard our second cohort of SMD Bridge Seed Funding teams who proposed research partnerships through ROSES-2023 Appendix F.23. This is the second round of seed funding awards given through the SMD Bridge Program, which was established in 2022 to improve diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in the science and engineering communities, as well as NASA’s workforce. This second cohort of grant recipients includes 13 teams with projects connected to seven NASA centers. A third round of seed funding through ROSES-2023 F.23 will be awarded this summer.

We have big plans for 2024. Stay tuned over the next few months as we share information and updates about own newly launched, co-created program to foster new partnerships between faculty, students and NASA researchers. Good luck to all the teams, and welcome aboard to our new partners.

March 29 is the Last Call for Bridge Program Seed Funding Proposals in ROSES-2023

March 12, 2024

The final deadline for Bridge Program Seed Funding (BPSF) proposals in response to F.23 in ROSES-2023 is fast approaching! We hope that many teams are hard at work developing new research partnerships to positively impact faculty and students at Under-Resourced Institutions (URIs), including paid research experiences for URI students with supportive mentorship and career development opportunities. We’re sharing some resources to help teams as they prepare proposals.

The call for proposals can be found on our NSPIRES page. From there, you can also access lots of supporting materials in the “Other Documents” section. This includes recordings and slides from our past Webinar, Answers to Questions (e.g., an FAQ) posed by the community on all aspects of BPSF proposals, and a guide to demonstrating relevance to SMD-a key ingredient of BPSF proposals. There’s also a list of potential NASA Bridge partners, if you’re still searching for the right NASA fit.

Wondering what types of BPSF teams have already been selected? Our first cohort of BPSF teams have been selected and are gearing up now to get their partnerships going. NASA released a press feature recently, highlighting the research partnership topics and institutions.

If you want more information about those selections, browse through the full abstracts with principal investigator names.

In the near future, we’ll announce our second cohort of selected BPSF teams, chosen from proposals submitted through November 2023.

Will you be part of a BPSF team in our third cohort? There’s only one way to find out: submit a proposal by March 29, 2024! If the resources listed here don’t answer your questions, please send us a note at and we’ll do our best to track down the answer.

If you’re hoping to propose, but can’t make the March 29, 2024 deadline for ROSES-2023, don’t worry—we’re anticipating a follow-up call for BPSF teams in ROSES-2024. So you’ll still have opportunities to propose. We’re currently hard at work clarifying the text for BPSF-2024 based on feedback from proposers, reviewers, and community members—we’re committed to co-creating this program with the community, and one way to do that is to respond to lessons learned to improve our calls for proposals.

Want to Submit a Proposal But Don’t Know Someone at NASA? Check Our List!

January 23, 2024

We conducted a search for NASA Scientists and Engineers to find some who would want to partner with potential applicants to the Bridge Program. We had nearly 70 responses from NASA employees at centers across the country, who do research in all 5 of SMDs divisions: Astrophysics, Biology & Physical Sciences, Earth Science, Heliophysics, and Planetary Science. Each of these researchers gave us their contact info, a list of research keywords, where they work, and a brief statement of their research and mentoring experiences. We put all of their information into this pdf for you to search.

Do you work at NASA and don’t see your name on the list? Please reach out to us at and we can add you too!

NASA SMD Bridge Program Community Workshop Report Now Available

November 16, 2023

We are happy to announce that the NASA Science Mission Directorate (SMD) Bridge Program Community Workshop Report is now publicly available on our website at the following link: The SMD Bridge Program team is committed to co-creating this program with you, the community. Back in October of 2022, a fantastic group of community leaders organized and led a 5-day virtual workshop to find out what the community needs and wants from a bridge program with NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. Thanks to the hard work from the authors and editors of this report, we can now showcase all of the discussions and key takeaways from last year’s workshop. 

This report is full of information for us here on the Bridge Program Team, and valuable information for you, the proposers and participants. The appendices are a great place to go for resources on mentoring and evidence-based program design. To quote the report:

This informational report is the product of multiple meetings of a diverse set of working groups, many representing communities that have traditionally not engaged with NASA. These groups came together during the week-long NASA SMD Bridge Program Workshop, held in October 2022, and provided multiple opportunities for community input with the purpose of co-creating NASA’s Science Mission Directorate Bridge Program, a new initiative aimed at increasing participation in NASA SMD activities. This report is informed by those discussions and intended to guide NASA in shaping a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) that broadens the participation of students, faculty, and institutions in Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) experiences available within NASA. The purpose of this report is not to address the many issues faced by under resourced communities but to lay a foundation for NASA to develop a program in which underserved students, faculty, and institutions can receive funding, work with NASA, and use their local expertise to address these issues.” 

The SMD Bridge Program team is already acting on some of the main workshop themes, for example, by offering the Bridge Program Seed Funding (BPSF) Opportunity, which is Appendix F.23 in ROSES-2023. This “no fixed due date” program will accept proposals up through March 29, 2024. We hope that the availability of the NASA Science Mission Directorate (SMD) Bridge Program Community Workshop Report will encourage many new proposals to the Bridge Program, either for seed funding, or for additional opportunities in ROSES-2024. We would also like to highlight a white paper from the early career perspectives group. A big thank you to all of the participants from the workshop, and all of the authors who made this report happen.

August 2023

What’s New with SMD Bridge?

The summer months have been a busy time for the SMD Bridge Program. Our no due date Seed Funding call is currently open. In response to community feedback, our team scheduled real-time virtual office hours in the last week of June. We really appreciated the opportunity to engage with so many potential seed funding Principal Investigators (PIs) and their team members, and we hope that our conversations were helpful in moving your proposals along. We certainly learned a lot from you about ways in which we can further clarify the language in our instructions, call for proposals, and answers to frequently asked questions. We are taking your feedback to make these improvements in our communications going forward. We were encouraged to meet and talk with so many PIs who are enthusiastic about the seed funding program, and we also heard your message that helping new PI’s find a new NASA partner is an area where we need to focus more of our resources. We are hard at work preparing some responses to this challenge, and look forward to having more news and resources to share on this topic in the future. 

Meanwhile, we received a good response to our first notional seed funding proposal deadline, and we are now well underway preparing to review these proposals. The submitted proposals came from a wide variety of under-resourced institutions, including Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Hispanic Serving Institution (HSIs), and Primarily Undergraduate Institutions (PUIs) from across the US. A good fraction of the proposals are led by first-time NASA PIs. There is also an impressive variety of NASA center participation, with partners in science and engineering working across SMD science divisions and NASA Centers.  We expect to complete this review in the next months, and begin reaching out to selected seed funding teams this Fall.

We want to take this opportunity to thank those researchers who participated on the inaugural round of seed funding proposals, and the experts who have offered their talents and perspectives to serve on our review panel.

There are still many opportunities to participate in the Bridge program coming soon. We plan to do at least two more reviews of seed funding proposals received before the end of March 2023, and will communicate details of the opportunities through a wide variety of means. That means there’s still plenty of time to prepare a seed funding proposal, serve as a proposal reviewer on an upcoming panel, and/or engage with us to learn more about our program plans and give us your feedback.

Check back here for latest updates to our program plans, and find out where we’ll be next. For information about F.23 seed funding, please follow the link.

As always, if you’ve got questions about the Bridge Program or need any additional information, please reach out to us at

SMD Bridge Seed Funding Webinar Wrap-up

June 13, 2023

Thanks to everyone who attended and participated in our joint webinar with the NASA Research Initiation Awards (RIA) on May 24, 2023. We had an awesome time giving overviews of RIA and the SMD Bridge Program Seed Funding proposal opportunity. The webinar had over 200 attendees, mostly faculty from R2 and Primarily Undergraduate Institutions looking to learn how to apply. For those who missed it, you can find the recording on the ScienceAtNASA YouTube channel, and we have posted a link to the slides on our F.23 Seed Funding NSPIRES page under our other documents.

You had so many questions, and we have heard you! We added Frequently Asked Questions (an FAQ) to our NSPIRES page to answer some of your most popular questions. To help clarify some of the questions we received, we even added a clarified version of the call with new information in bold to help clear up some of our wording, especially related to eligibility.

We’re so excited to see so many of you interested in our program, we really hope having the recording, slides and new materials we’ve added in response will help. We look forward to seeing those proposal roll in!

If you’re not ready to propose, but would like to contribute to the Bridge Program in another important way, please consider volunteering to be a proposal reviewer. Serving as a reviewer is a great way to offer your expertise to shape the program, get first-hand experience with our review process, and network with colleagues. New researchers including postdoctoral fellows and sometimes upper level graduate students are welcome. Just follow the links on NASA’s “Volunteer to be a Reviewer” page for F.23.

We welcome and look forward to your active engagement, either as part of a proposing team, or as a volunteer to serve on a panel!

SMD Bridge Seed Funding Webinar

May 22, 2023

Your first opportunity to meet our team and learn more about the NASA SMD Bridge Program is happening this week!

Are you interested in learning more about the NASA SMD Bridge Program? Do you want to know how to apply for Bridge Seed Funding? Please join us and the Research Initiation Awards team on a joint webinar Wednesday May 24, 2023, from 1:00-2:30PM ET.

Joint Information Session w/RIA: May 24 1:00-2:30 PM EST | Register Here

This informational joint webinar about the Research Initiation Awards Program (F.22) and the Bridge Program Seed Funding (F.23) will occur on Wednesday, May 24 at 1-2:30 p.m. Eastern Time. The webinar will provide an overview of both programs, describe the proposal process and requirements, and allow for webinar attendees to submit questions.

We hope to see you there and answer all your questions about our program.

New call for SMD Bridge Seed Funding is open now!!

April 24, 2023

We are excited to share the news that the first SMD Bridge Program funding opportunity is now open!

Our October community workshop was a vibrant opportunity to co-create the Bridge Program, and main themes from the workshop have provided a foundation for establishing funding opportunities in the Bridge Program. Workshop content, including agenda, recordings and presentations may be reviewed at:

A common theme from the workshop was the need for NASA to facilitate new potential Bridge partnerships where no NASA collaboration currently exists, through seed funding. Another key theme from the workshop was the importance of strong positive mentorship in developing students into STEM professionals, as well as the impacts of poor mentorship on retention of STEM students.

In response to this theme, NASA has released the SMD Bridge Seed Funding call for proposals as F.23 in ROSES-2023. In addition to this seed funding opportunity, we expect to release a call for full Bridge Partnership proposals later this year.

SMD Bridge Program Seed Funding awards are expected to have a budget up to ~$300,000 for a duration of 24 months. These awards are not intended to be a form of long-term support, but to facilitate the development or continuation of partnerships that will lead to future proposals to NASA, such as a full Bridge Partnership proposal, (see in the next one to three years. The expected total program budget for new awards ~$2-4M/Year, to be awarded to up to 30 teams, pending adequate proposals of merit.

Bridge Program Seed Funding proposals may be submitted at any time but will be reviewed as follows:

Proposal Submission Date



Anticipated Award Start Date Up to

June 30, 2023

Summer 2023

October, 2023

Up to October 15, 2023

Winter 2023

February, 2024

Up to March 29, 2024

Spring 2024

Summer, 2024

Thereafter, submit via ROSES-2024, expected to be released February 14, 2024.

We’re hoping this call with generate a lot of enthusiasm and interest, as well as some questions. We are eager to engage with you, the community of potential SMD Bridge partners and participants.

A joint informational webinar about this opportunity and the similarly themed F.22 Research Initiation Awards will take place on May 24 1-2:30 p.m. Eastern Time via Zoom.

To join in on the Webinar, please register at so you will receive a Zoom calendar invitation that will get updated with Connect information.

Brief overview of SMD workshop themes and future course of action.

April 14, 2023

SMD hosted a one-week Bridge Program workshop in October 2022 to co-create the program with potential partners from a variety of institutions and perspectives. The agenda, presentations and recordings of this workshop are publicly available at The workshop attracted over 400 registrants, with hundreds of active participants each day.

A written report documenting the workshop has been drafted and will soon be made public. The written report identified two overarching themes from the workshop. The ideal SMD Bridge Program would:

  1. Center the needs of students, faculty, and research capacity at institutions that have been historically and systematically marginalized.
  2. Lead a paradigm shift wherein NASA SMD takes responsibility for fostering impactful relationships and partnerships that further NASA SMD’s science and equity objectives.

In response to these overarching themes, the Bridge Program team plans to implement the following course of actions.

  • Issue ROSES Call for Bridge Program Seed Funding Proposals
  • Issue ROSES Call for Bridge Partnership Pilot Proposals
    • Require a component focusing on Student Mentoring in Proposals
  • Finalize SMD Bridge Program Communications Plan
  • Organize Networking Event(s) to Foster New Partnerships
    • Both in-person and virtual/hybrid options are being considered
  • Organize Symposia to Bring Bridge Teams Together
  • Leverage Internal and External Partnering
    • Internal Examples: NASA Office of STEM Engagement, Science Activation program, SMD’s Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Accessibility (IDEA) Team
    • External Examples: NSF, AIP, APS, AAS, AGU, NSBE, NSBP, SACNAS, AISES
  • Consider Augmentations to Existing Efforts

We are developing an FAQ for the Bridge Program based on questions we have received, and will post those answers to this page in a future update.

How to stay informed: When ROSES calls for proposals are released through NSPIRES, an announcement will be emailed to the NASA Science Mission Directorate mailing list. To be added to this list, do the following. Create an NSPIRES account at Then subscribe, through NSPIRES, to the NASA Science Mission Directorate mailing list. From your NSPIRES account, click on Account Management, then click the Email Subscriptions link.

Questions about the SMD Bridge Program should be directed to Padi Boyd ( and please cc

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